Magical things happen in the dark
of night, immensely important things if
conditions are right.
My vision of sugarplums melted and
turned into a giant red wheel. And then
I learned each rider had chosen a higher
view: to live in the way peaceful
people do.
The sum of their small, peacemaking
intentions pushed the great red wheel in
one direction, creating a hum like the music
of heaven, and the glow of a giant
red sun.
“World peace?” you ask, “You’re dreaming!”
you chide.
“Maybe,” I say, “but I’d rather ride than
stay on the ground and stand aside.”
How hard is it, really, to make peace-filled
connections, to push that Peace Wheel in
the right direction?
Smile at strangers. Thank
clerks by name.
Live each day at a pace
that’s more sane.
I’m on my way up—it’s a beautiful view!
May visions of peace find a home in you.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Chuck & Penny
Verse © 2013 Penny Pefley • Photo © 2013 Chuck Pefley
The Seattle Great Wheel